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Factorial of a number
The following assembly program calculates the factorial of a number. The number to calculate factorial is stored in a memory location (_data1 + 4). The result is stored in memory location (_data1+8). The '_data1' is a label.
Before starting, please ensure spiking folder is downloaded .
cd spiking
Open a file in a text editor and save it inside spiking folder
vim factorial.S
gedit factorial.S
factorial.S content:
Before starting compilation, Please check if the shakti-tools are successfully installed.
Please ensure you're inside spiking folder and run the below command
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -T spike.lds factorial.S -o factorial.elf
On successful compilation, an executable binary named factorial.elf will be generated.
The asm program can be run using spike, or with RISC-V GDB or using Axtix-7 100t